OpenStax Tutor Beta Onboarding Experience

OpenStax Tutor Beta Onboarding Experience

OpenStax Tutor Beta Onboarding Experience

Ed tech companies rely on direct person-to-person or institutional sales relationships to facilitate courseware adoption. OpenStax, however, with its modest support and one-person sales staff, required a self-service instructor onboarding experience for its new courseware, OpenStax Tutor Beta. The experience needed to communicate the software’s features and value and allow for easy support-free courseware adoption.

The task flow would start from a targeted email campaign, pass through marketing content on the company’s website to account creation and faculty verification, then on to a preview course experience. Finally, instructors would need an intuitive option to create a full course. And it all needed to be seamless.

What I did

First, balancing technical requirements, marketing objectives, and user experience priorities, I diagrammed task flows of the entire experience.  See it bigger